"He who stumbles around in darkness with a stick is blind, but he who sticks out in darkness is florescent."


Hamlet:Kenneth Brannaugh

This particular Hamlet (which is what the picture below left of the posts is of) is my favorite adaptation of Shakespeare's Hamlet. Kenneth Branagh, Julie Christie, Dame Judi Dench, Kate Winslett, and Derek Jacobi are just a few who star in this film version of Hamlet. Jacobi, who plays Claudius, actually used to play Hamlet, but at the time this was made, he was too old to play the part so they gave him the part of Claudius. Branagh, who played Hamlet, was also actually too old for the part himself, but it didn't really matter. Branagh's performance was absolutely amazing. Most of the actors in this movie were either stage only actors or well-known Shakespeare/British period piece actors. This movie has the most amazing scenes and moments. There are several scenes in which you are looking out at an amazing vista. The fight scenes are realistic and the deaths were well done. The movie followed the original script for the stage version from lines to dress and places. This really is a must see for Shakespeare lovers!

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